Athletes Academy will offer several activities this winter break.
Lacrosse Classes
Hosted by: Chicago Outlaws Lacrosse Academy
Days Offered: Tuesday, 12/26 | Wednesday, 12/27 | Thursday 12/28 | Friday, 12/29 | Tuesday, 1/2 | Wednesday, 1/3 | Thursday, 1/4 | Friday 1/5
$10 fee per session per day, please bring check or cash and pay prior to the session. Sessions will be focused on skill development specifically for that level. If you are unsure of what level to join select a lower level first and the instructor will guide you from there. Participants may be asked to join a different level in a future class depending on the skills observed by the instructor. All sessions are NO CONTACT therefore helmet, gloves and stick are the only requirement
Chumash Challenge will be a 3v3 “winner stays” challenge. What is Chumash lacrosse? Click HERE to find out!
It is suggested participants arrive 15 minutes prior to their session so they can be ready to go on time. Athletes Academy may cap this class at 14 participants if space becomes a concern.
Hosted by: A2 Events and Activities
Days Offered: Tuesday, 12/26 | Wednesday, 12/27 | Thursday 12/28 | Friday, 12/29 | Tuesday, 1/2 | Wednesday, 1/3 | Thursday, 1/4 | Friday 1/5
A FREE 90 minutes offered filled with your favorite recess activities. Activities such as kickball, dodgeball, wiffleball, fiddle-lax, soccer, and so much more! We are opening our facility for you to take a recess from the day and enjoy some of our activities!
No registration required but all participants must sign a waiver.
Knautz Handling Class
Hosted by: Chicago Outlaws Lacrosse Academy
This class has been postponed and will be offered in January. Please call or email for more information and to express your interest in this session.
If you have any questions, please call 847-703-0033 or email